So here it is:
Obviously finding a church was a big thing on my "To-do list" once I got all moved in, so naturally I looked around a bit online and talked to some folks, but didn't exactly come to a conclusion.
Well, this past saturday I was riding my bicycle around the area and decided to look up a church before I headed out. It was close by so I figured I'd stop by to see if I could gather any more information from the office as I cruised over to check it out. Well, when I arrived the offices were locked, so I headed around back to see if I could find a main entrance.
When I walked my bike back, I saw that the doors were opened and when I peeked inside I saw a sign that said "worship team auditions". I got pretty excited seeing as how I really wanted to get plugged into a church as soon as possible, and typically playing drums for a worship team is that "open door" for me. Well God literally gave me an open door and as I walked in to check it out I began talking with some people that were helping organize the time.
Eventually I got around to mentioning that I played drums and was looking for a place to get plugged in. After talking with David, the worship leader, he decided to let me try out near the end (since I wasn't on the schedule and am a lefty).
I waited around a bit and my turn finally came. They were all gracious enough to let me rearrange the drum kit and we played one song together (with a little jam afterwards). Immediately afterwards, I received approval from the current team members and got a little more insight into God's plan:
I was told that one of the main reasons for these "auditions" was to hopefully find another drummer. GHAP (God Has A Plan).
God has such an awesome way of arranging these things in quite funny ways sometimes! He's always seemed to have a musical theme in my life as well. In one way or another, musical opportunities have heavily directed the paths I've chosen to walk down. He knows us so much better than we know ourselves and loves to see us smile and return the praise to Him!
I just wanted to share more of the details of the story with you all, since it was so amazing to me!
Here are a few more pictures:
Love this poster at work; great reminder for us all, but especially for supporters!
Thank you for your prayers!
Welcome to GRN
The Cardtalk - A slightly older way of spreading the Word through audio
This is Quat (short for Kumquat), she's the resident kitty
One of the most incredible places I've ever ridden my bike. This place is beautiful!